10.08.– 27.10.2024
MEWO Kunsthalle Memmingen
Text by Axel Städter ︎

Welcome to the House of Feelings! This is the title of Harry Hachmeister's exhibition. As light-hearted as these words are, they must be taken seriously. By combining different media and techniques, from photography to painting and ceramics, the artist creates spaces that are conceptual and yet open. The isolated individual work takes a back seat to a coherent spatial solution of interrelated works and objects.
Hachmeister looks at the world without cynicism. His works are characterized by melancholy and pain, but always also by joy and hope. As a house of feelings, the exhibition is intended to awaken associations and inspire empathy.
Hachmeister choreographs the exhibition spaces. He has already integrated construction site signs and pushcarts into his installations. These motifs of masculinity in the male- dominated construction industry enter into a dialog with his art. Hachmeister opens up the aesthetically charged museum space with the construction site reference to the unfinished and the imperfect - both central themes of his art.
Supposed role models, but also the body that can be shaped by exertion, are the focus of a series of ceramic works that he has modeled on weights and dumbbells from gyms. The body as form, the confrontation with one's own body image and identity are themes that Hachmeister addresses in his works. The artist transforms the cool and simultaneously heated reality of sports centers into sensual ceramics, which he varies in form and color with a wink.
These are stories about life, about his life, about the world out there that Hachmeister shares with us. He shows all the ambivalence, blurriness and ambiguity that should actually teach us not to think in pigeonholes. Hachmeister's works bear witness to a deep humanity that invites us to accept diversity and endure ambivalence.

Exhibitions views: Carsten Eisfeld